Sunday, March 12, 2017

Jeff's #95: Wall-E

#95: Wall-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)

I don't have much time before work today, and I'm feeling a little groggy from the time change, so I apologize for not getting more written on this.  But, WALL-E remains my favorite animated movie of the last 20 years, and would be high on my list of the best movies of the Aughts.  It's hard to leave off RATATOUILLE, THE INCREDIBLES, SPIRITED AWAY, and ARRIETTY from my list (all of which I love), but there's something special about WALL-E that brings me great joy and separates it from the recent pack of great Pixar and Studio Ghibli movies.  It could be that it works incredibly well as a sci-fi movie.  It's bold depiction of the future offers stark condemnations of our current wastefulness, laziness, and solipsism.  It could also be that it works just as well as an ode to silent comedy, and that it boasts some truly lough out loud slapstick routines.  Further still, it could just be that it works best of all as a budding romance story.  At its emotional core it's all about finding connectivity and community through mutual embrace, signified beautifully by Wall-E's incessant pining to hold hands.

Stats:  Just one of two animated films on here, sadly...


  1. Thanks for including this one. One of my biggest regrets is leaving this movie off my list. It should have been on there. As you say, WALL-E isn't just one of the best animated films of the still-young 21st century. It's one of the best films period from those years. So good.

  2. Another one we have in common. Looking forward to my rewatch.
