Sunday, February 26, 2017

Mike ODonnell's #100: L.A. Confidential

Mike ODonnell
100 - L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson)

Off the cuff here but L.A. Confidential. Remains one of my favorite scripts STILL! catchy 1 liners, great characters and set. Perfect attention to detail of the times, a wonderful homage to the glitz, glam, and gutters of police culture and stardom In 1950's Hollywood. Certainly a movie I can return to over and over for an entertaining watch


  1. Just this last week, a dude at work brought up L.A. Confidential when talking about good Russell Crowe movies. My list of good Russell Crowe movies is short, but this definitely belongs on it. I think I was in high school when I saw this for the first time. It's been way too long and I should re-watch it. Good pick.

  2. I also haven't seen it since video stores were a thing, so I barely remember it, but am curious to see it again. RIP Curtis Hanson.

  3. I remember liking and respecting this one when it came out. I haven't seen it in 17+ years.

  4. I re-watched this today. I was entertained, but I wasn't won over. I feel like everyone is play-acting in this film. None of it felt really real. Not that it needs to. I just wasn't emotionally invested in any of the storylines. I was more just surfing along on the good feelings generated by a story riffing on other stories.

  5. Also, I guess I've given up on haiku already.

  6. Agreed Jon, one of the reasons I dig it, it's a Hollywood flick totally self absorbed with itsself. That's why I think the play acting works, it's like a movie within s movie! Inception!!!!
